
L.M. Montgomery at 150: The Creator of Anne of Green Gables – A Legacy of Imagination and Resilience


L.M. Montgomery at 150: The Creator of Anne of Green Gables - A Legacy of Imagination and Resilience

On the 150th anniversary of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s birth, this episode explores the remarkable life and enduring legacy of one of Canada’s most beloved authors. From her early days as a lonely child in Prince Edward Island to her emergence as an internationally acclaimed writer, we trace Montgomery’s journey through triumph and tribulation.

The episode delves into the creation of her masterpiece “Anne of Green Gables” and its iconic heroine Anne Shirley, while uncovering lesser-known aspects of Montgomery’s life, including her complex romantic relationships and struggles with mental health. Featuring insights from Dr. Kate Scarth, Chair of L.M. Montgomery Studies at the University of Prince Edward Island, we examine how Montgomery’s work challenged gender norms of her era and continues to influence literature today.

The story of Lucy Maud Montgomery is one of resilience, imagination, and the enduring power of storytelling – a legacy that still captivates readers worldwide 150 years after her birth

L.M. Montgomery à 150 ans : La créatrice d'Anne... la maison aux pignons verts - Un héritage d'imagination et de résilience

À l’occasion du 150e anniversaire de la naissance de Lucy Maud Montgomery, cet épisode explore la vie remarquable et l’héritage durable de l’une des auteures les plus aimées du Canada. Des premiers jours de son enfance solitaire à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard jusqu’à son émergence comme écrivaine de renommée internationale, nous retraçons le parcours de Montgomery à travers ses triomphes et ses épreuves.

L’épisode plonge dans la création de son chef-d’œuvre « Anne… la maison aux pignons verts » et de son héroïne emblématique, Anne Shirley, tout en révélant des aspects moins connus de la vie de Montgomery, notamment ses relations amoureuses complexes et ses luttes avec la santé mentale. Avec les perspectives de la Dre Kate Scarth, titulaire de la Chaire d’études L.M. Montgomery à l’Université de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, nous examinons comment l’œuvre de Montgomery a défié les normes de genre de son époque et continue d’influencer la littérature aujourd’hui.

L’histoire de Lucy Maud Montgomery en est une de résilience, d’imagination et du pouvoir intemporel de la narration – un héritage qui continue de captiver les lecteurs du monde entier 150 ans après sa naissance.



‘75 Facts You Might Not Know about Anne of Green Gables and Author Lucy Maud Montgomery | CBC Books’. Accessed 28 May 2024.


‘About L. M. Montgomery | L. M. Montgomery Institute’. Accessed 28 May 2024.

Admin. ‘Revisiting Lucy Maud Montgomery’. The Tribune (blog), 12 March 2024.


Chang, Arturo. ‘L.M. Montgomery’s “deep, Rich” Life beyond Green Gables Explored in New Podcast’. CBC News, 30 November 2021.


‘Historic Properties Online: Lucy Maud’s Historic Places’. Accessed 28 May 2024.


‘LM Montgomery Birthplace – New London, PE’. Accessed 28 May 2024.


‘Lucy Maud Montgomery’. Accessed 28 May 2024.


‘Lucy Maud Montgomery’. Accessed 28 May 2024.


‘Lucy Maud Montgomery | Tourism PEI’. Accessed 28 May 2024.


Lucy Maud Montgomery Museum and Literary Centre Norval. ‘Home’. Accessed 28 May 2024.


‘Lucy Maud Montgomery National Historic Person (1874-1942)’. Accessed 28 May 2024.


‘Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario’. Accessed 28 May 2024.


Magazine, Smithsonian, and V. M. Braganza. ‘The Author of “Anne of Green Gables” Lived a Far Less Charmed Life Than Her Beloved Heroine’. Smithsonian Magazine. Accessed 28 May 2024.


Parks Canada Agency, Government of Canada. ‘L.M. Montgomery – Person of Significance: L.M. Montgomery’, 3 April 2019.


The-homestead. ‘About Us’. Accessed 28 May 2024.


‘Yours Sincerely, Lucy Maud Montgomery | Exhibitions | Canadian Museum of History’. Accessed 28 May 2024.

Narration :  Marcel Simoneau

Écriture et réalisation | Writing and realisation : Hugo Martin

Recherche | Research : Catherine Paulin

Écriture – Montage et son | Writing – Editing and sound: Sophie Houle-Drapeau

Collaborateur | Contributor : Kate Scarths

49N - Quiz -Ep5 - L.M. Montgomery at 150

Test your knowledge: 49N | 150th anniversary of the birth of author and novelist Lucy Maud Montgomery

What was L.M. Montgomery's earliest childhood memory?
Which of Montgomery's works was set entirely outside of Prince Edward Island?
Which imaginary friend did Montgomery create in her childhood and later incorporate into Anne of Green Gables?
When L.M. Montgomery first submitted "Anne of Green Gables" to publishers, how many publishing houses rejected it before it was finally accepted?
Kate Scarth

Dr. Kate Scarth

Chair of L.M. Montgomery Studies

Associate Professor, Applied Communication, Leadership & Culture

Source: Kate Scarth