* Formation dont l’admissibilité a été confirmée par le Barreau du Québec aux fins de la formation continue obligatoire, pour une durée de 1.5 heure*


In our society, a healthy judicial system is necessary for a functioning democracy. One can also argue that a healthy judicial system requires healthy judges and healthy lawyers.


In this episode I talk with Jeena Cho, author of The Anxious Lawyer: An 8-Week Guide to a Happier, Saner Law Practice Using Meditation.


The Anxious Lawyer is a straightforward introduction to meditation and mindfulness for those engaged in the practice of law.


Readers are guided through an eight week program, the aim of which is to assist in establishing an ongoing meditation practice. The book will (i) provide an overview of the history of meditation and the scientific evidence of its benefits, (ii) introduce the reader to simple meditation techniques and (iii) offer concrete guidance for establishing meditation practice.